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Integration QA & Testing into the Agile development process

Thriving in Agile

In this blog, we will explore some tips for thriving in agile, how to integrate QA and testing, the challenges, top five tools used in agile and the main agile methodologies

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Open source V's licensed automation tools

Open Source Vs Paid Software Test Automation Tools

In this blog post, we will discuss the key factors to consider when choosing between these two types of automation tools. It outlines the importance of evaluating the cost, specific requirements, software support, integration, skills of the testing team, scalability, security, and test reporting requirements.

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Benefits of Automation testing for healthcare applications

Cerner & Epic are two of the top EHR systems in the healthcare system. Automation testing is helping healthcare systems improve patient experience, enhance decision making, keep data secure and private as well as increasing data accessibility. CelticQA Solutions specialize is Automation testing services.

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Centralized approach to Software QA

Over the years I have worked with organisations that traditionally have a silo’d approach to delivering changes to their business-critical IT systems. As these organisations embark on an IT transformation journey, they Invest heavily in the technology uplifts and migrations but struggle to standardise how these changes are managed and tested.

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Wisdom is the reward of experience

Over the past 7 years working with CelticQA Solutions, I have witnessed many of our customers digital transformation journeys. At CelticQA solutions, our clients are typically companies in the Financial, Insurance, Biopharmaceutical, software & Retail sectors.

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Choosing a Software QA Partner

According to a recent Gartner report “Top Priorities for IT Leadership Vision 2021”, 72% of CIO’s plan to maintain or increase the proportion of IT outsourced to third party providers. Successfully outsourcing your software QA and software testing has many advantages.

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QA: Friend or Foe to Development?

If there is one common idea that is usually thought of when it comes to describing the relationship between developers and QA, it is that it is often contentious. This is due to misconceptions regarding the role of QA in the development life cycle.

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Twelve Tips to Avoid Ransomware

The recent high-profile ransomware attack on Garmin has once again highlighted the need for cyber security vigilance. This security breach left the majority of Garmin products and services inoperable for up to five days and the company allegedly facing a ten-million-dollar ransom demand.

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Does your QA function help your organization win ‘CHAMPIONSHIPS!’

I have to admit, I was not fully aware of how much ‘Bear’ Bryant had achieved until I started researching for this article. Now I know Coach Bryant is the winningest college football coach leading the University of Alabama to 6 national championships. I believe business and IT leaders can learn a lot from successful sports coaches and how they built their championship teams.

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Our CEO’s response to Covid-19

No one was prepared for the full effects of a global pandemic. Originally, we were planning for a couple of weeks disruption to our lives. We responded to our new reality and adopted new routines to adjust to life with COVID-19. Our attention now turns to defining our ‘New Normal’.

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Managing Remote Teams

These are challenging times we find ourselves facing. A lot of organizations and government bodies now find themselves managing bigger than normal remote teams. We at CelticQA Solutions have been delivering our services remotely to clients in the UK, US, and Ireland for the past 15 years.

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Slow down to go fast

This is what my music teacher kept telling me, usually while I’m embarrassing myself trying to show off with some fill or walking bassline I’ve just come up with!

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The humble test case …

QA of software has rapidly become a complex industry with:

Automation tools, Devops, CI/CD, test strategies and test plans, agile methodologies, source control and performance tools.

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Excellence in the Basics

Aligning trained people with effective processes will allow your QA teams to deliver superior performance. Developing Software is a creative enterprise that requires constant human interaction and reviews to achieve success.

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Should I automate now?

Everyone wants to automate their testing, right? But it’s not a small task to take on. Automation can be seen as a solution to many problems (we need to speed up our delivery time, manual testing is a bottleneck, etc etc) but it also can create more problems for you if you don’t spend the time and invest in the correct process.

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