Who needs software QA & Testing?

As the rate and pace of software development increases the role of software quality assurance and testing has come to the forefront and is now responsible for ensuring all members of the IT team are building ‘quality’ into their processes. In this blog, we will explore the importance of QA and Testing for businesses of all sizes and industries, and how they can contribute to business success.

First, let’s look at some statistics:

  1. According to a report by the National Institute of Standards and Technology, the cost of fixing an error in the software development process increases exponentially the later it is discovered. Early detection through effective QA and Testing can significantly reduce the cost and time required to fix errors and improve the overall quality of the product.
  2. A study by the National Institute of Standards and Technology, the total cost of poor-quality software in the US alone is estimated at $59.5 billion annually. Effective QA and Testing can reduce the number of defects and improve customer satisfaction, thereby reducing the cost of rework and lost revenue due to dissatisfied customers.
  3. The World Quality Report, 96% of businesses believe that QA and Testing are important contributors to their success. Effective QA and Testing can help businesses reduce the time to market, increase customer satisfaction, and improve overall business agility.

These statistics demonstrate that effective QA and Testing can significantly contribute to the success of businesses by improving the quality of their products and services, reducing costs, and increasing customer satisfaction.

The main deliverables for the QA & Testing function are;

  1. To Ensure Product Quality: Quality and testing teams are responsible for ensuring that the software product meets the quality standards set by the organization. They identify and report defects and ensure that they are fixed before the product is released.
  2. To Ensure Compliance: Quality and testing teams ensure that the software product complies with industry standards, regulations, and guidelines. They also ensure that the product meets the functional and non-functional requirements specified by the stakeholders.
  3. To Reduce Risks: Quality and testing teams help reduce risks associated with software development by identifying and mitigating potential issues early in the development cycle. This helps to prevent costly rework and delays.
  4. To Improve User Experience: Quality and testing teams play a critical role in ensuring that the software product provides a positive user experience. They test the software from the user’s perspective to identify usability issues, ensure that the product is intuitive, and easy to use.
  5. To Provide Feedback: Quality and testing teams provide valuable feedback to the development team. This feedback helps the development team to improve the quality of the product and fix any issues identified during the testing process.

Quality and testing teams are essential in software development to ensure product quality, compliance, risk reduction, user experience improvement, and providing feedback to improve the overall product quality.

There are several typical roles in software quality and testing, including:

Quality Assurance (QA) Engineer: QA engineers or Test Engineers are responsible for ensuring that software products meet quality standards and specifications. They analyse the project requirement’s and develop the appropriate tests cases to verify that the application functions as expected. They then execute (run) the test cases to detect defects and ensure that the software meets functional and non-functional requirements. QA Engineers also work closely with the development team.

Automation Engineer: Automation engineers are responsible for developing automated tests using a variety of testing frameworks and scripting languages. They work with the QA team to identify test cases that are candidates for automation and build automated test suites to reduce manual testing effort and increase efficiency. Automated tests can verify UI, Database and API functionality, reducing the manual testing overhead and increasing the speed of project delivery

Performance Test Engineer: Performance Test engineers use a series of testing tools, to plan and execute tests, that will generate a virtual user load for an application. These tests simulate how a large volume of users would interact with the application being tested. These performance tests are vital for projects and organisations to understand how their applications and infrastructure will perform (or not) under high user loads.

Test Lead:  The Test lead is responsible for their specific area of the project under test, the Test Lead may manage a smaller group and perform some of the roles of a Test Manager. Given the nature of their role and the deep understanding of the applications they are testing, Test Leads are usually seen as Subject Matter Experts within their organisation.

Test Manager: Test managers develop and implement testing strategies, manage testing resources, and ensure that testing is conducted according to established standards and guideline they are responsible for leading testing teams and overseeing the delivery Test Managers work closely with the Development Managers and the wider project stakeholders. of the Test project. the testing process for software products. 

User Acceptance Tester: User acceptance testers are responsible for ensuring that the applications meet the requirements and expectations of end-users. They work with the business or end users to understand how the end user will interact with the application. The UAT tester will guide the end users during the UAT phase of testing. This ensures that UAT requirements are understood and tested similar to other phases of testing. The UAT tester will manage non-QA business users who are assigned to perform UAT to ensure they follow the same process as the QA team with regard to test case creation and the documenting and resolution of issues.  

The roles and titles listed above can vary depending on the organization and the software development process, but they are some of the most important roles in software quality and testing.

Organizations have several options to perform the QA & Testing function. Some of the common options include:

In-house hiring: The organization can choose to hire QA & Testing professionals directly and bring them in-house as permanent employees. This option gives the organization more control over the hiring process, as well as direct access to the talent pool.

Outsourcing: The organization can choose to outsource the QA & Testing function to a third-party service provider. This option can be cost-effective, as the organization doesn’t have to bear the full cost of hiring and managing QA & Testing professionals.

Contracting: The organization can choose to hire QA & Testing professionals on a contract basis. This option can be useful for short-term or project-based needs, and the organization can engage contractors with specific skill sets as required.

Crowdsourcing: The organization can choose to use crowdsourcing platforms to engage a large pool of QA & Testing professionals to work on their products. This option can be useful for testing in diverse environments and getting a broad range of feedback.

Hybrid approach: The organization can also choose a combination of these options to fill the QA & Testing function in their organization. For example, they can hire in-house QA & Testing professionals for core functions and outsource or contract for specialized testing needs.

Ultimately, the choice of how to perform the QA & Testing function in an organization will depend on factors such as budget, resource availability, and the organization’s unique needs and goals.

Building an in-house QA team can be challenging and requires careful planning and execution. Some of the common challenges organizations may face when building an in-house QA team include:

  • Hiring and Retaining Talent: Finding and hiring the right talent with the necessary skills and experience can be difficult and time-consuming. It is also important to ensure that the compensation and benefits package is competitive enough to attract and retain top talent.
  • Training and Development: Once hired, it is important to provide ongoing training and development to ensure that the QA team members stay up to date with the latest technologies, tools, and best practices.
  • Resource Allocation: Building an in-house QA team requires a significant investment in resources, such as equipment, tools, and infrastructure. It is important to ensure that the resources are properly allocated and that the QA team has the necessary support to perform their jobs effectively.
  • Collaboration and Communication: Collaboration and communication are critical to the success of any QA team. It is important to ensure that the QA team is properly integrated into the development process and that they have access to the necessary information and resources.
  • Maintaining Quality Standards: Maintaining consistent quality standards can be challenging, especially as software systems become more complex and requirements change over time. It is important to have a well-defined quality assurance process in place and to regularly review and update it to ensure that it meets the changing needs of the organization.
  • Balancing Quality and Time-to-Market: The QA team’s primary objective is to ensure that the software meets the quality standards, but this can sometimes conflict with the need to release products quickly. Balancing quality and time-to-market can be a challenge and requires careful coordination between the QA team and other stakeholders.
  • Managing Risk: The QA team is responsible for identifying and mitigating risks related to software quality. Managing risk requires a comprehensive understanding of the business needs, the software system, and the potential impact of defects on the organization.

In summary, building an in-house QA team can be a complex and challenging process that requires careful planning and execution. Organizations need to be prepared to invest the necessary resources and be committed to providing ongoing support to the QA team to ensure their success.


CelticQA Solutions is a leading provider of software, with a focus on QA process improvement, QA project leadership, test automation and continuous integration. We help organizations streamline their development processes, improve software quality, and reduce time-to-market through cutting-edge technologies and best practices. Our team of highly skilled engineers and testing experts has a wealth of experience in the industry, and we work closely with our clients to understand their unique needs and challenges. We pride ourselves on delivering high-quality solutions that are tailored to each client’s specific requirements, and we are committed to providing exceptional service and support throughout every stage of the development process. With CelticQA Solutions as your partner, you can rest assured that your software testing needs are in good hands. Here is what our clients have to say about us. If you’re looking for QA & Testing guidance and support, we encourage you to get in touch with us today. Our team will work closely with you to understand your unique needs and challenges and develop a tailored solution that meets your requirements. Contact us today via email at info@celticqa.com or visit us at www.celticqa.com to learn more about our services and how we can help you achieve your software quality goals.

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CelticQA solutions is a global provider of  Integrated QA testing solutions for software systems. We partner with CIO’s and their teams to help them increase the quality, speed and velocity of software releases.  

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