Integration Testing Services

Uncover defects and unwanted behavior in different integration points.

Integration Testing Services

Ensuring that applications and their individual components can work together, transform data, receive, and pass that data to other dependent systems is crucial for your business, your product, and your customers.

To ensure these integration requirements are met, it is crucial to develop a series of integration tests to prove the application behaves as expected.

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Benefits of Integration Testing

The ability to detect errors or miscommunications between application modules sooner saves time and money. Waiting until all components have been combined to determine any errors complicates finding the problems. Testing as you go ensures that errors are caught as they happen.

Integration testing enhances the quality of an application by ensuring it meets the client’s requirements at every stage of the process. Partnering with CelticQA to run QA and integration testing will ensure that you develop a robust and repeatable Integration process using best practices and approaches for current and future requirements. CelticQA can also implement automated integration testing to further increase efficiency and save time.

Ultimately, QA integration testing services and the testing itself are cost-effective solutions which lower the risks associated with data integration–and lower overall development costs. Delegating the testing responsibilities to experienced partners allows you and your employees more time to focus on your areas of expertise.

What is Integration Testing?

You may find yourself asking, “What is integration testing?” Integration testing is used to test the communication between components of an application or software. This type of testing determines whether the interaction of various components resulted in any faults or defects in the system functionality. 

Before integration testing is done, the components are typically tested as individual units to confirm they can work correctly, but it is possible that when they are integrated, faults occur in their interactions or sharing of information. 

There are established best practice approaches for integration testing followed by experienced QA test teams. Some of the established methods of Integration testing are listed below:

Bottom-Up Approach

The Bottom-up approach begins by testing lower-level modules first and working up to the higher-level modules. This method can identify any defects earlier then the Big Bang approach and allows corrections to be made as development progresses instead of waiting until the end. This is beneficial for systems that use Microservices and APIs, allowing the service to be tested fully before being Integrated into a wider system or requested by another service.

Top-Down Approach

This approach works the opposite way of the bottom-up approach. Higher-level modules are tested first, and lower-level modules are tested last. This type of testing is beneficial for structure, procedure-oriented systems and complicated workflows and is advantageous for testing critical modules first. The disadvantage is that defects or issues found early in the workflow may stop or hold up testing of functionality that is only executed later in the process.

Sandwich Approach

While ‘sandwich approach’ may sound strange or complicated, it really isn’t. This approach is also known as the hybrid approach and is a combination of the bottom-up and top-down methods of integration testing. This approach runs both of these two approaches simultaneously. The sandwich approach is beneficial for large projects with many modules as it reduces the amount of time needed for testing while still comprehensively testing all modules. Detailed testing design and creation of accurate test data is critical for this type of testing, as the test data, requests, and responses to APIs, may have to be stubbed to allow the ‘sandwiched’ functionality tests to be executed.

System Integration

The methods above are mainly focused on development projects, but a large proportion of CelticQA clients are implementing third party solutions along with their own development requirements. These systems are typically designed to integrate (via APIs) with other applications, i.e., Salesforce and your banking application. In this scenario the focus is on the communication between systems, SSO permissions, user access, and the flow of data between these systems ensuring that it remains accurate as it leaves one system and is processed by another. The principles in the approaches listed above are still valid but will require more planning and design of specific test cases to uncover flaws in the data flows, which typically result in data loss or malformed information being passed between systems.

Big Bang Approach

This approach to integration testing involves testing all components of an application at the same time. The Big Bang approach is done after all modules have been integrated. This method is beneficial for smaller systems but not for catching defects early in development. Trying to use this method for a large system with numerous modules is difficult and can create a lot of testing activity before issues are identified.

experience excellence

CelticQA & Integration Testing

At CelticQA, we offer managed testing services, including integration testing services. Our team has decades of experience testing the applications of various industries, including the Financial, Insurance, Biopharmaceutical, Software & Retail sectors. Our experts can guide you through the proper processes of QA integration testing that ensure the quality of your application and user experience.

Our services provide you with a team of Senior QA Engineers, Senior Automation Engineers, and QA Engineers. Our automation engineers have experience of developing open-source automation frameworks as  well as implementing automation using licensed automation tools like Ranorex.

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Quality assurance for your software made easy with our experienced Software QA & Testing Services in Ireland.

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Ready To Implement Integration Testing Services?

At CelticQA Solutions, we are committed to providing you with experienced and knowledgeable teams that deliver quality solutions on time, on budget, and with zero critical defects. Check out our standards and variety of testing methods that are sure to enhance every aspect of your projects.

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