Manual QA Testing

Manual QA testing is the process of manually verifying software functionality to identify and fix defects before the software is released to end-users

High-Quality Manual QA Testing Services

A vital part of the software development life cycle (SDLC) is testing the software or application while in the early stages. There are various types of testing practices that ensure the functionality and performance of developed projects. Technology advancements have allowed these tests to be automated or done with minimal human effort. However, many tests still require and benefit more from manual testing done with human intervention.

Outsourcing a provider to implement these tests, like manual QA testing services, is very beneficial for efficient and high-quality project updates and releases. Having an outside team with expert skills handle the tedious and challenging tasks associated with software testing is cost-effective, timely, and produces high-functioning software and applications.

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Managed QA Testing

A managed quality assurance (QA) testing service has the expertise and resources to implement all software testing methods, including manual and automated tests. There are advantages and disadvantages to using these various tests, but implementing best practices and combining the optimal level of manual and automation testing will assure your critical projects are validated successfully.

While fully automating all tests may seem most efficient, there are still some tests that are required to be executed manually. Having a QA process that finds the perfect balance between automated and manual QA testing guarantees the accuracy and quick deployment of error-free software and applications.

Manual QA Testing

This type of software testing is done with human intervention and is very tedious but not always as time consuming as setting up automated tests. Manual QA testing is most beneficial for running quick tests on a project’s new features and fine-tuning aspects of the end-user experience. For example, manual mobile testing ensures that mobile applications function consistently and adequately and offer users a high-quality experience.

Manual QA testing services are most cost-effective for short-term projects because they are easier to implement than automated testing, allowing for greater attention to complex issues, more flexibility, and recognition of the underlying problems on the user interface side.

While manual testing is more prone to errors because of human intervention, there are advantages to the human element. There are aspects of artificial intelligence that do not have the creativity or experience of seasoned engineers who can fix a defect when they see it instead of just reporting it as an automated test would do.

Automated QA Testing

Automated testing initially requires human intervention, but once it has been set up it runs automatically on its own. This testing technique is essential for repeated tests, but implementing them is more complicated than manual QA testing, so someone with the expertise and resources to set them up is beneficial. Automating tests is cost-effective for larger projects with frequent updates and is more reliable as the possibility of human error is decreased.

Benefits of combined QA Testing Methods

Combining manual and automated testing is the most beneficial and effective method for testing new software or projects. Finding the ideal balance between the two enhances their personal benefits. There are specific situations where one is more efficient than the other, but in most cases, combining them will produce high-quality results in all project elements.

Knowing when to use either or a combination of them depends on three variables: time constraints, estimated costs, and expected quality upon release. It would be best to use manual testing when attention to detail on the user interface side is a top priority. Use automated testing when speed and efficiency are the top priorities.

Combining these techniques puts both of their intended purposes to use most efficiently. Using them together provides more comprehensive testing that covers every aspect of a project, from manual tests evaluating user experience and finding defects to automated tests maintaining the project’s functionality and detecting possible issues. For instance, it would be appropriate to combine automated and manual tests for mobile testing.

CelticQA Manual Testing Services

Those that require assistance implementing software testing will benefit from our services at CelticQA. We have decades of combined experience while offering a wide range of testing services. These services provide you with QA engineers who are experts in various industries, from finance to manufacturing, pharmaceuticals, insurance, engineering, and more. Our services give you the best frameworks, practices, policies, and modern testing tools for enhanced QA testing, including manual QA testing services. 

Our manual QA testing services provide a tailored approach that best suits your project’s requirements. These manual tests enhance efficiency and save time and money by finding defects caused by new features of a product. Faster releases that are more accurate equals a more significant return on investment. The types of manual testing we offer include a wide range of functional and non-functional testing, including but not limited to the following:

Functional Testing Services 

  • API Testing
  • Integration Testing
  • Regression Testing
  • Smoke Testing
  • Unit Testing
  • Usability Testing


Non-Functional Testing Services 

  • Performance Testing


These testing services provided by our senior engineers are implemented through a comprehensive approach that ensures the strategies we develop are customized to your project. We begin by determining the project’s requirements with you and your team and developing a testing strategy. Then, we define the resources needed for testing, including testing tools. We determine which testing approach is required to successfully validate your projects based on the requirements, project schedule, and budgets.

Once we determine all of these essential aspects, testing begins. We start with creating test cases and then executing them. After running the tests, we will report their results on whether any defects were found or not. If the tests find any defects, then we will run the proper tests to ensure that changes made to correct any issues were successful.

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Quality assurance for your software made easy with our experienced Software QA & Testing Services in Ireland.

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At CelticQA Solutions, we value every partnership. Whatever your software QA or testing needs are, we encourage you to reach out and schedule a call with us.

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MON – FRI: 9 AM to 5 PM

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