Regression Testing Services

Ensure an effective functionality after implementing new changes to your app’s code.

End-To-End Regression Testing Services

An essential part of software development is regression testing. Regression testing ensures that the existing features and behaviors of the application continue to function correctly after any functional changes, fixes to errors or when new features are added to the system. 

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Importance of Regression Testing for Your Software

Regression testing is done after changes are made to an application’s code to ensure that it still runs correctly and that no defects have been introduced. End-to-end regression testing involves executing the functionality of a whole set of features of an application.

The end-to-end approach ensures that each step in a workflow or process is tested from the perspective of an actual user. This testing ensures that the application works correctly on the devices and platforms. 

Types of Regression Testing

Full Regression Testing

This type of regression testing done when there have been major changes made to an application and those changes will potentially impact on other existing functionality. There is a large over head of time and effort required to plan and execute this type of regression testing. Most projects do not have the resources to fully regression test their systems and applications within the timeframe required by the project.

A full regression test may have thousands of test cases and take a team of people several weeks to run the test. So, a reduced risk-based approach is usually chosen. Having the ability to fully regression test a system in a reduced time frame is one of the main benefits of test automation.

Risk Based Testing

Acknowledging that a full regression test is not achievable due to time, resources and budget constraints, the risk-based approach can be used to reduce the effort required and still gain a measure of the level of quality in the application and identify any high priority issues or defects. The team will analyze the testing scenarios that cover the high priority functionality and then categorize them based on business need.

This subset of high priority test cases now becomes the regression suite of tests, it can run with much less effort and in a reduced period and still give the project the measure of quality if needs. This risk-based approach is also key to identifying test cases for automation.

Defect Regression Testing

Many changes introduced have a minimal impact on existing applications. This is especially true when using modern Object-Oriented development practices. When a defect has been identified and a fix applied to the code base by the development team, the QA and Dev team should be able to identify which features are impacted by the change. This information will then inform the QA team what the functionality and behaviors need to be re-tested due to the impact of this change.

Benefits of a QA Partner

There are many benefits of a QA managed testing services:

  • Time and cost-effectiveness
  • Identifying issues earlier
  • Ability to automate regression tests
  • Flexible QA team.
  • Wide range of QA skill sets available
  • Detailed and real time QA reporting

Partnering with a QA managed service provider, like Celtic QA can give an organization more time to focus on its own business. 

It is crucial to have a dedicated team outside an organization whose objective is to implement a testing strategy that detects and fixes issues as soon as they happen. This separate team is able to see defects sooner because of their expertise and having a single objective: testing. Whereas an in-house team is overloaded with multiple responsibilities in addition to testing an application.

Another benefit of regression testing is there are many that can be automated once they have been created. Automated testing records and repeats a set test, so it is easier to do repeatedly. Manual testing can be monotonous or impossible when tests are required to run numerous times; automated testing solves this and eliminates the risk of human error.

Whether a regression test is automated or not, it ensures that previously solved issues do not reoccur, and existing corrected work is not impacted by any changes. Maintaining consistent solutions saves time & money and improves the quality of a project.

Each of these benefits works together to improve an application’s overall quality and performance. A managed testing service ensures an organization reaps the benefits of QA regression testing.

Most functional testing services check the basic usability of the software. Do the pages swap comfortably? Is there any delay or loading screen issues? How user-friendly is it for the end user?

QA in functional testing is essential because if the software’s usability is complicated or unintuitive, people will be unwilling to use it. Time is a valuable resource, and people will notice and refuse to partake if there is wasted time with your software or application.

experience excellence

Partnering With CelticQA Solutions

CelticQA Solutions have many years’ experiences implementing QA strategies and test automation.

CelticQA test engineers have experience implementing testing strategies and test automation for many industries, for example in the Financial Services, end to end testing of Encompass, Optimal Blue and Salesforce.  We have experience testing of customized applications for the Pharmaceutical, Health care, Retail and Construction sectors.

At CelticQA, our purpose is to support growing organizations scale digitally safely and confidently. Using our Integrated Quality Software Engineering (IQSE™) framework, we can ensure your team has the right QA strategy and testing methodology to enable you to de-risk digital projects effectively and efficiently. IT teams can be confident their automation framework is designed using best practices and standards helping them to avoid the costly mistakes that can cause automation projects to fail.

Our Senior Engineers can help you move the dial on QA and test automation within your organization saving your teams many hours of manual testing and freeing up resources to do higher value work. 

At CelticQA, our goal is to ensure our clients and their user’s application experience remain high-quality throughout the software development life cycle (SDLC). We do this by providing QA frameworks, best practices and policies, modern testing tools, and certified and experienced QA organizations can keep moving forward digitally.

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End-To-End Regression Testing Services

At CelticQA Solutions, we value every partnership. Whatever your software QA or testing needs are, we encourage you to reach out and schedule a call with us.

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