Independent Verification and Validation (IV&V)

CelticQA offers Independent Verification and Validation (IV&V) services for auditable projects. We provide an unbiased assessment to ensure that your projects meet all requirements and comply with industry standards. Our IV&V services help identify and mitigate risks, providing a crucial layer of assurance for the success of your initiatives.

Customer focused
Value oriented
Quality obsessed
People centric

The Role of Managed QA & Testing Services in Software Development

In software development, quality assurance (QA) is the process of managing, maintaining and improving the quality of software before being released to end users. While this sounds straightforward, the process is complex and requires adequate experience, skills, and tools.

According to the Consortium for Information and Software Quality report (CISQ) 2022,  the cost of poor quality software in the US stood at €2.41 Trillion.  Software Quality assurance and testing is undeniably a core essential for healthy software delivery and expanding business information systems, making robust QA frameworks and testing structures necessities.

QA and testing services are separate and necessary practices in software development. QA ensures software quality by examining and improving the software development process. Software testing consists of various types of tests to detect and resolve any errors or defects in the software code.  

For organisations without the in-house ability to design, implement, and maintain these necessities, there are quality assurance and testing services offered by Managed Service Providers (MSPs) or Managed Testing Services (MTSs). These services provide the frameworks, methodologies, best practices, and policies needed for enhanced quality and increased efficiency.

With a partner like CelticQA, your organisation gains a competitive advantage from the benefits of our testing and QA services, which include:

At Celtic QA, we have over 17 years of experience as an industry-leading software testing and managed QA service provider. With a commitment to excellence, we tailor our services to your needs to maximise your organisation’s growth. 

Our Managed QA and Testing services include:

QA strategies to ensure zero critical defects

QA process maturity to keep up with tech innovations

Test automation to increase testing speed & coverage

Robotic process automation for efficiency

continuous integration to optimise releases

Standardisation of test execution for higher quality services

Our QA Project Management

Extensive experience in software testing, across over 15 industries, from financial services to healthcare, enables us to provide project management QA solutions for diverse clients in the US, UK, and Irish markets. The QA services and frameworks, access to reliable expert QA teams, and various automation tools we offer make Celtic QA a multi-award-winning QA testing company.

We help our partners deliver projects on time and within budget by promoting improvements in all aspects of their development processes and the entire organisation, from enhanced communication to fully engaged teams focused on success

Proven Effectiveness of CelticQA’s PM Methodologies & Frameworks

We use our Integration Quality Software Engineering (ISQE) methodology to tailor our services and frameworks to your organisation’s requirements providing project leadership, best standards and practices, real-time reports on progress, and on-time delivery of results while staying within budget. With our tried and proven methodology, you see:

  • ROI on day one 
  • Scalability as you grow 
  • Flexible resourcing model 
  • Metrics and reporting



The Celtic QA Advantage 

Partnering with us provides what we call the “Celtic QA Advantage,” which includes:

The CelticQA Advantage has a ripple effect that improves quality in every stage of the SDLC and the end product, allowing our partners to accelerate technology initiatives, increase efficiency, and align their efforts with customer and business requirements.

With CelticQA, your organisation experiences enhanced technical growth without the usual growing pains giving you a competitive advantage. 

QA & Testing Centre of Excellence

As QA and testing within software development evolve, the complexity of organisations’ projects increases, highlighting the need for more efficient processes and for all parties to prioritise quality. Maintaining consistent standards and following best practices are crucial for successful project deliverables and software releases. When multiple projects exist in an organisation, deploying testers to multiple teams is necessary. However, having team members involved in various projects with different objectives is challenging, and without a solid foundation, quality suffers.

A solution to maintain quality across all parts of an organisation is a Testing Centre of Excellence (TCoE). A Testing Centre of Excellence is a framework designed to simplify and enhance testing processes by defining testing controls and standards for an entire organisation. Creating a TCoE requires defining your organisation’s challenges, designating a governing party, documenting existing processes, defining a plan for future endeavours, and engaging teams to communicate current inadequacies effectively. 

At Celtic QA, we recognise that building a TCoE and implementing it successfully is a challenging task. That’s why our quality assurance and testing services provide the necessary framework to create a culture of software quality excellence for our partners. We developed our Integration Quality Software Engineering (IQSE) framework with best practices and policies, innovative testing tools, and expert QA engineers for effective strategies that enhance teams, projects, and organisations. 

We offer solutions including Software Quality Management consultancy, Managed QA and Testing services, and Test Automation services. Implementing our solutions results in various benefits, such as:

  • Reduced costs
  • Improved quality
  • Enhanced customer satisfaction
  • Increased customer retention
  • Increased return on investment (ROI) 

IQSE Framework

Implementing our IQSE framework promotes these benefits by providing the necessary components for a TCoE, such as identifying Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) which quantify performance measurements.

KPIs help identify and guide teams on how to improve their efforts, a vital component of a solid TCoE. The elements of our TCoE framework allow our partners to:

Integration Quality Software Engineering System (IQSE™) – CelticQA Proprietary QM Framework

Part of our mission at Celtic QA is to help our partners optimise operations to scale testing and grow their organisations. With our TCoE framework, these goals are achieved without having to compromise on quality, saving precious time, effort, and money.

Investing in quality upfront by analysing requirements and planning tests leads to improved testing and deployment with fewer defects. With fewer defects, projects are delivered more efficiently, reducing costs and creating a competitive advantage which is essential for software development.   

Test Automation

An important yet challenging part of software development is creating, executing, and monitoring various tests. Software tests range from regression testing to integration testing and functional testing. Many of these tests are tedious and repetitive. Fortunately, many of them may be automated, eliminating the need for human intervention. Attempting to perform tests manually is inefficient and increases human error risk. Test automation facilitates the efficient validation of your software using specialised tools to create and run tests.

Successfully implementing test automation ensures your business remains competitive in the rapidly changing field of software. With Celtic QA Test Automation Services, your organisation gains many benefits, from improved efficiency to increased effectiveness of testing processes. We provide you with the necessary tools, frameworks, and best practices for automated testing.

Our QA and testing services enhance your organisation’s software development by increasing the efficiency and frequency of software releases, saving money and your team’s time. With our expertise in test automation and real-time reporting, you can have confidence in the quality of your releases. 

The Ranorex Implementation Program

Ranorex is a testing tool software that facilitates the implementation of automated testing. As mentioned above, automation testing is a crucial part of the software development life cycle (SDLC) to be as efficient and accurate as possible. Ranorex Studio is a user-friendly software that allows automated tests to be created, run, and maintained. 

Ranorex consists of three key components:

  • Ranorex Recorder: Simplifies the creation of automated tests with the help of the object repository
  • Ranorex Spy: An object recognition tool that quickly identifies & tracks UI elements storing them hierarchically in the repository
  • Ranorex Object Repository: A centralised collection of objects and tests with features that allow the test engineer to create a logical map of UI elements into “Item” and “Path” categories, helping the user quickly find and maintain objects for test cases

At Celtic QA, our team includes certified Ranorex engineers that have successfully implemented Ranorex many times, which has provided us with our gold-level partnership with Ranorex.

Although it is a user-friendly tool that doesn’t require expert coding knowledge, our implementation program helps you optimise your use of all its features, maximising the benefits of Ranorex.

Ranorex Case Study

No.1 Paedriatic Hospital in US wanted to reduce manual testing, speed up testing cycles and improve QA methodology.

Continuous Integration & Continuous Deployment

Other essential components of software development and releases are Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment. Utilising them is beneficial for the software, developers, and end-users.

Although the computing and testing capabilities required are more complex, outsourcing a testing service like Celtic QA provides you with the automation framework, expertise, and resources needed. An advantageous move that saves you time and money.

Continuous Integration

Continuous Integration (CI) is part of the software development process where developers frequently integrate code changes into the project. These changes are validated using automated testing to ensure the changes made to the software do not introduce any defects. This practice requires test automation capabilities and a server that can monitor the comprehensive project and run automated tests and smoke tests for every new change introduced. Using a testing service provides you with the necessary servers and tools, reducing costs drastically.

CI is an essential component of the SDLC because it allows the development team to work more efficiently. The automated tests catch defects early so they can be fixed sooner before moving on to the next task. This efficiency reduces testing costs and the pressure on the QA team so they can focus on more critical tasks.

Continuous Deployment

Continuous Deployment (CD) is a software practice where the changes made by developers that pass every stage of testing are immediately released to users. This process is entirely automated and requires a solid testing foundation, efficient documentation, and coordination with other departments.

CD is an efficient method of developing software that improves the quality of releases and allows for more frequent releases. Fast releases led to getting user feedback faster, which is more favourable because they see continuous improvements in quality. The speed is gratifying for the developers, seeing their hard work pay off in real-time and allowing them to focus on important tasks instead of being worried about a release day.

Our Automation Tool Capabilities

Our Locations
Markets We Serve


Experience quality assurance with our expert QA Testing Services in the USA.


Elevate your software quality with our tailored Software QA Testing Services in the UK.


Quality assurance for your software made easy with our experienced Software QA & Testing Services in Ireland.

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Managed QA & Testing Services

Minimise your time to value, maximise the effectiveness of your processes, and gain a competitive edge with Celtic’s QA and testing services.

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Atlanta, USA
MON – FRI: 9 AM to 5 PM

Dundalk, Ireland
MON – FRI: 9 AM to 5 PM