Shaw Industries

CelticQA: Shaw's trusted partner for QA services.

Services Used:
  • Managed QA (Quality Assurance) & Testing Services
    • QA Process
    • Test Automation
    • QA Leadership on strategic IT projects
    • Performance Testing
CelticQA and Shaw Industries

The Situation

Shaw is a large global organization with a rich history and employs many people across several US states and countries around the world. Like all businesses Shaw relies on its IT infrastructure to provide an efficient platform to help run the Shaw businesses. Shaw Industries are currently going through a period of aggressive digital transformation. The transformations are companywide and touch on every facet of Shaws culture and organizational processes.

The core IT infrastructure, the development tools, frameworks, and languages are all being revised and replaced by modern applications, cloud-based services, and changes to the company’s organizational approach. 

Shaw’s executive management sees QA & Testing as a key factor in helping Shaw achieve its aggressive digital transformation initiatives over the next few years. Shaw’s CIO (Chief Information Officer) identified CelticQA Solutions (CQA) as a partner that can provide the tactical and strategic QA & Testing services Shaw is looking for. 

With all change comes risk, and to mitigate that risk, Shaw needed a partner that would quickly implement the right level of QA & Testing to address these challenges early while implementing consistent Quality Assurance Frameworks. This included reducing the heavy reliance on manual testing, with robust and modular automation frameworks across critical applications and systems. 

CelticQA and Shaw Industries

The Solution

CQA were employed by Shaw to become an extension of Shaw’s IT teams. Initially, CQA focused on implementing an improved and scalable QA process in one area. After successfully implementing and end-to-end QA process, which included test automation of key regression test cases, CQA worked on applying the same QA & Testing frameworks to all projects and programs in the Shaw organization.

CQA implemented QA & Testing solutions that included, a formal approach to creation of test cases, managing defects during each sprint, review of test cases and the creation of an automated testing framework, implementing source control and continuous integration. 

CQA performed a POC on several automation tools and guided the client on the best solution for their current and future needs. In this case, Ranorex Studio was chosen as the automation tool.

CQA developed the automation framework during the Ranorex Implementation, scripted the test cases, configured source control and setting up CI (Continuous Integration) pipelines. This enables Shaw to execute automated regression cycles on demand or as new development releases are being deployed to test environments. 

CelticQA and Shaw Industries

The Result

Shaw Industries now has a consistent QA & Testing process across a multitude of its key applications and systems. These QA & Testing processes ensure Shaw has the right level of QA engagement on all critical and strategic IT initiatives.

By involving QA earlier, project related defects and issues are being identified earlier and resolved quicker.

Increasing the regression testing coverage with thousands of automated test cases allows Shaw’s IT teams to confidently execute regression testing cycles in a fraction of the time. Regression cycles are being executed in hours versus days or weeks. Shaw’s IT and business teams are getting back thousands of hours from not having to conduct manual regression testing themselves.

Regression testing cycles can now be executed automatically, through CI pipelines, or on-demand.

By partnering with CQA for QA & Testing services and implementing test automation, Shaw business resources are now able to focus on other high priority tasks and ensures Shaw has on-demand access to QA & Testing technology and skillsets.

Shaw has seen immediate and continuous ROI (return on investment) in its tactical and strategic partnership with CelticQA Solutions. CQA continues to lead Shaw’s QA & Testing initiatives with the ultimate goal being that every IT team uses a consistent QA & Testing process that includes implementing and increasing the regression test automation coverage on all critical applications and systems. 

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